Promoting the Role of Women in STEAM in Africa

Mapping of STEAM initiatives in africa

What is the STEAM education?

STEAM education is the name given to an education model that focuses on science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. The STEAM initiative itself was originally developed by Georgette Yakman and emerged from the previous STEM model, which broadly covers the same topics but excludes the arts from its definition.

We want to promote STEAM vocations in girls

Its mission is to promote specific initiatives that contribute to shaping an education and training system that eliminates gender stereotypes associated with certain vocations and professions, that promotes female empowerment in STEAM disciplines from early stages of education and contributes to eliminating the gender gap. It is making headway thanks to the access of our young women to these disciplines, as is occurring at an international level.

How to apply for STEAM Alliance membership

What are the motivations for applying for membership and what can your organization or company contribute to the members of the STEAM Alliance in one of these fields:
– Research on the talent of girls and young women in the field of STEAM.
– Social visibility and sensitization campaign on the importance of the presence of women in STEAM.
– Promotion of a network of Alliance STEAM Afrika Education centers through methodological contributions and didactic materials.


Project Manager

ASAE Project Coordinator

Caroline Karimi Nyaga 


African Women’s Network in STEAM

Ann Nyakinyua Gathura


Mathematics area of the ASAE project

This initiative is based on the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, especially when it comes to ensuring inclusive, equitable and quality education.

Women promoting the participation of women and girls in STEAM in Africa.

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The future of humanity is inextricably linked to Africa’s future. 

The UNESCO Chairs and Partners Forum Transforming Knowledge for Africa’s Future, convened  30 September – 2 October 2024, aims to strengthen interdisciplinary and collaborative research capacity in Africa, including through more inclusive and effective South-South and South-South-North research partnerships.  The future of humanity is inextricably linked to Africa’s future. Yet, established narratives around the future of the continent continue to reflect the long-standing imbalances in knowledge production and in academic research on Africa. Research remains largely dominated by institutions in, or with close links to, the Global North. Reframing the narrative around Africa’s future requires the mobilization of diverse knowledge traditions.   Transforming knowledge systems is crucial for Africa to overcome the existing barriers and unlock its full potential for sustainable development. The opportunities offered to younger generations for many decades to come will be shaped by how well Africa harnesses knowledge and innovation. There is therefore need for a paradigm shift in how knowledge is generated, shared, and used in Africa, paving the way for a more just, sustainable, and prosperous future. The co-construction of a shared research agenda for the future of Africa must draw from diverse yet complementary forms of knowledge, perspectives, and contexts. It implies interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral, cross-cultural, and forward-looking…
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