The STEAM-Active Project

The STEAM-Active (Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032107) project is funded by the European Union.

The STEAM-Active project

The STEAM-Active project has two main aims:

  • Support engineering lecturers to use innovative teaching methodologies and develop students’ competencies to meet the labor market needs
  • Fight gender inequality both in higher education and in companies

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STEAM-Active Outputs



A Protocol for Teachers that will illustrate the framework of the STEAM project design methodology with active teaching methodologies.


E-Learning Course

An E-learning based training course for engineering teachers that will include a theoretical description of STEAM approaches and of the implementation active methodologies.


Learning Sequences

A Collection of STEAM based Teaching-Learning Sequences that allow teachers to guide students in applying a project based learning methodology to solve socio-scientific-technological situations.

The STEAM-Active project is funded, by the European Commission through the Spanish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of enhancing the quality of teaching and improving pedagogies and assessment methods.

E-Learming Course

Basis of STEAM

Nowadays STEAM is a widely used acronym in the teaching context. STEAM projects are associated with active learning, fun, value for society, and diversity. However, the meaning of STEAM can vary with respect to the goals and the environment the acronym is used. To make this acronym more approachable, Module 1 covers the basis of STEAM, its evolution, features, and integration levels in practical application.

STEAM Active approach

This module deals with the “Ingredients of STEAM-Active methodological approach”, “Ingredients of STEAM-Active teaching techniques approach” and “Teachers’ characteristics/ingredients to be good applying STEAM-Active approach in our teaching”.

Basis for designing a STEAM Active project

This third module starts by explaining the design protocol, expanding on the new terminology and how the contents of the previous modules are applied in the protocol. To better understand the design process, there will be an example of a STEAM Teaching-Learning Sequence. The importance of this guide will be highlighted by presenting the learning objectives of each activity, the recommended didactic technique for their development or the evaluation.


This third module starts by explaining the design protocol, expanding on the new terminology and how the contents of the previous modules are applied in the protocol. To better understand the design process, there will be an example of a STEAM Teaching-Learning Sequence. The importance of this guide will be highlighted by presenting the learning objectives of each activity, the recommended didactic technique for their development or the evaluation. In addition, throughout this module we also give explanations on how to use a TLS that has already been designed with our protocol and finally, based on all that we give guidelines on how to adapt the TLS to different contexts by explaining different techniques to modify the sequences to multiple educational contexts.

E-Learning Course

Basis of STEAM

Nowadays STEAM is a widely used acronym in the teaching context. STEAM projects are associated with active learning, fun, value for society, and diversity. However, the meaning of STEAM can vary with respect to the goals and the environment the acronym is used. To make this acronym more approachable, Module 1 covers the basis of STEAM, its evolution, features, and integration levels in practical application.

STEAM Active approach

This module deals with the “Ingredients of STEAM-Active methodological approach”, “Ingredients of STEAM-Active teaching techniques approach” and “Teachers’ characteristics/ingredients to be good applying STEAM-Active approach in our teaching”.

Basis for designing a STEAM Active project

This third module starts by explaining the design protocol, expanding on the new terminology and how the contents of the previous modules are applied in the protocol. To better understand the design process, there will be an example of a STEAM Teaching-Learning Sequence. The importance of this guide will be highlighted by presenting the learning objectives of each activity, the recommended didactic technique for their development or the evaluation.

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