Oluwatoyin Ajilore

STEM Education Research | Social Entrepreneurship | Founder | PhD Student | Author | 

Oluwatoyin works in the convergence of education, entrepreneurship, policy and development.

As an education professional, her intersectional expertise in education research, policy and practice grounds her work in both theoretical and pragmatic thought leadership that can drive problem solving and effective policy-making. She has taught over 1000 university students, led professional development sessions for teachers across multiple countries, and worked on education policy appraisals that informs decision making for university administrators and governments.

As a social entrepreneurship leader, she he has created overarching strategies and institutional roadmaps; designed programs and projects; managed teams and partners; and raise funds to build the organization she founded, ONE Foundation. The Foundation provides executive entrepreneurial education, mentoring funding linkages and other forms of resources to a community of 3000+ entrepreneurs in Nigeria and other African countries. Oluwatoyin has led and facilitated over 30 sessions both online and onsite on entrepreneurial themes including Design Thinking, Business Strategy, Business Model Generation, Business Leadership, Product Development etc. She also provides consultancies for startups solving social problems in Africa.

Oluwatoyin believes she is a bridge that connects Africa’s future as an emerging economy to the necessary human capital to steer this future. She is constantly engaging youths across multiple African countries in developmental work in terms of training, mentoring and teaching with the goal of growing their capacity to lead the sustainable development of Africa, especially in light of the African Agenda 2063, “The Africa We want”.

For speaking engagements, consultancies and trainings for educational institutions, startups and social impact organizations, reach out at hellotoyinajilore@gmail.comOluwatoyin works in the convergence of education, entrepreneurship, policy and development. As an education professional, her intersectional expertise in education research, policy and practice grounds her work in both theoretical and pragmatic thought leadership that can drive problem solving and effective policy-making. She has taught over 1000 university students, led professional development sessions for teachers across multiple countries, and worked on education policy appraisals that informs decision making for university administrators and governments. As a social entrepreneurship leader, she he has created overarching strategies and institutional roadmaps; designed programs and projects; managed teams and partners; and raise funds to build the organization she founded, ONE Foundation. The Foundation provides executive entrepreneurial education, mentoring funding linkages and other forms of resources to a community of 3000+ entrepreneurs in Nigeria and other African countries. Oluwatoyin has led and facilitated over 30 sessions both online and onsite on entrepreneurial themes including Design Thinking, Business Strategy, Business Model Generation, Business Leadership, Product Development etc. She also provides consultancies for startups solving social problems in Africa. Oluwatoyin believes she is a bridge that connects Africa’s future as an emerging economy to the necessary human capital to steer this future. She is constantly engaging youths across multiple African countries in developmental work in terms of training, mentoring and teaching with the goal of growing their capacity to lead the sustainable development of Africa, especially in light of the African Agenda 2063, “The Africa We want”. For speaking engagements, consultancies and trainings for educational institutions, startups and social impact organizations, reach out at hellotoyinajilore@gmail.com

Compétences principalesCompétences principales
Policy Analysis • Higher Education Research • Sub-Saharan Africa • Social Entrepreneurship • Facilitation

About the Author

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