Parents/Teachers Play Major Roles in Girls Pursuing STEAM Careers: Lucy (Wanjiku) Mwaniki is a STEAM Educator

As an organized Ed-Tech professional with a passion for excellence and continuous learning, I have a proven track record of effectively collaborating to promote STEM education. My experience in Education Technology includes developing and delivering digital literacy, programming, and science curriculum to diverse groups of students and professionals. I have worked with schools, parastatals, and NGOs, as well as excelled as an instructor, monitoring and evaluation specialist, and curriculum developer. I am skilled in creating targeted educational programs that meet the unique needs of various demographics, and am dedicated to serving as a valuable partner to teams and leaders by providing robust materials for capacity building, skill development, mentorship, and facilitation.

“When I was, how old was I? I think I was 11. I was in fifth grade in a school in the heart of Georgia. Ms. Willa teaches us at Glenwood. She was the most amazing teacher.”

“The way she approached math and sciences with us, she went the extra mile to ensure we got what we were learning. We retained all our knowledge. We had fun while we were learning. I don’t remember doing tests or failing at anything.”

“I just remember passing, but I don’t remember how I passed. I knew I was getting better and better, and I enjoyed math, and that changed my aspect of how I’d want the next generation to approach sciences and math. I’d like it to be more curious and interesting than testing your knowledge on a specific subject.”

“But aside from that, my dad has the biggest one yet. Cause he supports me in all my ventures. He paid for my, um, university education. He does everything for me. He supports me even when it feels like I’m failing.”

InTouch – Think STEAM Careers

Currently, Lucy (Wanjiku) Mwaniki is a STEM Educator – EdTech Professional – I make coding and science cool.

Also, support Ms. Lucy (Wanjiku) Mwaniki’s after-school program in Kenya.
Please see her contact information below.
Contact Info Lucy’s Profile

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